03-02-23 – Cryptofried

March 02, 2023 at 7:30 am

At Tower Club One Financial Plaza, 28th floor 100 S.E. Third Ave. Fort Lauderdale


In many instances the digital domain has proven itself to be better, faster, and cheaper and provide results much faster than the analog world. The intermediate step of digitization also proved beneficial. So, let’s hurry up and get all our assets, including home, cars, artwork, NFTs into the cloud, protected by blockchain, and able to be transacted at moment’s notice. Except if you lose your key, you’re broke – you know where without a paddle.

This world is coming, how will it be regulated? Who will write the regs; and if too slow, what happens to the US dollar’s position as the world’s reserve currency?

Come listen to those who know tell us what they think is coming.

James Putra

Vice President, Product Strategy At TradeStation Crypto

Keith Costello

President & CEO
Locality Bank

Andrew Horowitz

President At Horowitz & Company, Inc

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