Are individuals diagnosed with mental issues more likely than anyone else to commit gun crimes? Is the stigma of mental health issues preventing us from effective gun control?
The shocking shootings at theaters, schools and other public places have stunned and angered Americans. Yet, none of these tragedies has broken the political gridlock over gun control.
Can you have effective gun regulations if mental illness is not disclosed? Can you have full disclosure of mental illness in medical records without removing the taboo still around these maladies?
Hon. Scott Israel. Scott Israel was elected Sheriff of Broward County in November 2012.
Marsha Martino. Ms Martino is Executive Director of NAMI, a grassroots organization that provides evidence-based, best practice educational courses, support groups and information and referral services for persons with mental illness and their family members.
Marc Adler. Mr. Adler is the Chief Operating Officer of Machine Gun America and President of Allan Adler Consulting. His firm specializes in firearms law and compliance
Antonio Fins. Antonio Fins is the editor of the Palm Beach Post’s Business section, where he manages seven daily digital and print Business sections and writes a weekly column focused on local business.
DEC. BREAKFAST SPONSOR: Nova Southeastern University